Ken installing another AntPro bait station.
AntPro - Environment Safe Ant Control
Ken installing another AntPro bait station.
  Eliminates the Entire Ant Colony Not Just the Foraging Ants  

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Thanks KM ANT PRO, I had a problem with fire ants and carpenter ants. After I installed the ant stations within 3 months my ants where gone. The stations also attracted roaches and crickets, which are gone. I noticed one of my stations taking numerous hits from my neighbor’s house. Cool product that works. The only suggestion I have is to sell the ant station in camouflage coloring.

George V.

Nashville, Tennessee


Hi Ken! And Happy New Year to you! I hope that your surgery went well and that you are up and about by now.

Since I last spoke with you, we had our second son, Anthony, tested for fire ant bite allergy. Believe it or not, he is more responsive to the test than Aidyn is, so we are now faced with the responsibility of keeping both of our sons safe.

Since we put the bait traps in our yard back in November with the bait you provided us (I think honey based?), we have not had any more hills develop! WE are totally sold on your product, and want to know if we can get more bait. You can contact me at your convenience via e-mail or by phone. Maybe we can aim to make Bird Key fire ant free!

Thanks for all of your help. I look forward to hearing from you.

Deb G.

Sarasota, Florida

(Note: Previously, Aidyn had a serious allergic reaction to fire ant bites and had to be rushed to the hospital.)


Dear Sirs,

As a mother of 4 children, fire ants in out yard, has been a major concern over the years. My youngest son Lucas who is 6 has very bad toxic reactions to the fire ants stings. It has been a frustrating battle for year trying products and professional company after company with no significant success.

Last October, a family friend told us about AntPro, a new product they had been using to control fire ants on their ranch. They were so happy with the system that we decided to give it a try. Thank goodness for friends.

The AntPro system began decreasing the number of fire ants. Now after 6 months, not only are our fire ants gone, but our immediate neighbor has noticed a decrease in fire ants on his adjacent back yard as well.

Thank you AntPro for finally conquering what we had begun to think was a never ending battle with these fire ants.

It is a joy to be able to let Lucas go out and play on his swing set and to his tree house without the fear of being bit, and for the rest of us to enjoy our back yard barbeques.

Thanks again, for a fabulous product. Keep up the good work.


Terry G.
A Happy Mother

Venice, FL


Dear Ken,

In this age of over hyped everything, it is genuinely refreshing to find a product that does absolutely everything claimed. We use both your bait stations and the bait you recommended. The results have been nothing short of spectacular.

I emailed you and called you back in the spring before we moved to our new "rural" property. Living on acreage was new for my wife and I and we were concerned about the possibility of fire ants and the potential impact on our dogs. Before moving in we removed dozens of trees and shrubs and cut back all kinds of overgrown foliage touching the house. Needless to say we disturbed a lot of ant colonies. One early evening before installing the bait stations I saw a trail of thousands of Argentine ants - the trail was more than 6 inches wide - moving across the tile on our front porch.

Within 48 hours of installing a bait station in the vicinity of that trail - it had shrunk by 90%. Within 1 week it had disappeared. We couldn't believe your system worked that fast. We use a total of 9 stations and we'll be buying more. Yesterday we cleaned out the stations for the first time and found the following:

  1. 2 colonies of Pharaoh ants loved the stations so much they tried to nest in 2 of the empty stations (they died trying)
  2. a trail of Argentine ants was still actively attempting to feed on an empty and thoroughly rinsed station

The bait is truly outstanding and a work of genius. Ants begin tracking to the stations literally within minutes of filling and placing the stations.

Turned out we have no fire ants. We did however have every other type of ant native to this part of Florida and in quantities that were almost hard to imagine. I use the word "did" because although the ants are probably still there along the perimeter of the property we see very few near the house and have seen only 1 in the house in the 2 months we have lived here.

We are very anti-pesticide (for ourselves and our dogs) and your system has allowed us to enjoy our home and grounds without the expense, inconvenience and residual danger of hiring a professional exterminator.

We wish you continued success in your endeavors and should you see fit, please feel free to use this letter in its entirety

If you ever make it to this part of Florida - please be sure to call and drop in. Dinner will be on us.

Jeff W.
Delray Beach, Florida



We want to thank you for your determination and insight into a new product that has dramatically changed our view and approach to pest control.

We have three condo buildings and 18 single family residences in our community complex. It is an adult only community nestled in the foothills of Santa Barbara. One of these foothills, however, turned out to be a giant ant nest. For years we have attempted to control the seasonal invasions through expensive and standard chemical spraying. The ant population would be kept somewhat under control but no real progress was made in alleviating the problem.

I found kmAntPro on an internet search engine. It looked viable, cost effective and seemed to be a sound approach. The Association Board voted to begin a trial by testing one unit at our swimming pool. You graciously agreed to provide the one unit free of charge. We set it up in a visible location both for observing ant activity and the bait station. No sooner had we placed the unit and the ants began their march to the "free food."

Based on the results of this single unit, we decided to incorporate one condo building. We purchased the number of bait stations you recommended for the dimensions of our building. Within the first week we were receiving reports from the residents of the great results. "We can almost see the ants running out of the building to the bait stations. What do we do?" "Whatever you do, please don't stop them or discourage them."

We have now incorporated all of our condo buildings on the kmAntPro program and many or our single family resident owners have purchased them.

Again, thank you for your foresight, determination and assistance. "We've got them on the run!"

Eric J.
Community Manager
Santa Barbara, CA


Hello Ken,

I don't know if you remember me. But, I was the woman with a new home in Fairfield, California. We had a major ant problem with argentine ants in spite of our service with Orkin. That was before we found your website.

Since we purchased your ant "feeders" we have been happily feeding the argentine ants in the neighborhood the tasty boric acid solution you recommended. The ants have remained at the perimeter of our house and as yet have not appeared in the house. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Kelly B.

Fairfield, CA


Dear Ken,

I'm writing to let you know how pleased I am with the performance of your AntPro bait dispensers. I'm the lady from San Diego, California who you helped with an argentine ant problem.

After moving into a new house two years ago, I found myself with a serious argentine ant problem. The ants entered the house through any minute crack they found and trailed into my pantry, the cat's food dishes, bathroom cabinets, etc. Nothing seemed to work to get rid of them and it was driving me crazy. Then, I found your liquid bait dispensers on the Internet while searching for a solution to the problem. You recommended placing bait dispensers at intervals around the perimeter of my house. After installing eight bait dispensers last summer, I have not had one incident of ants entering my home. I'm amazed that it worked so quickly. The ants were much more attracted to your dispensers than anything in my home.

In my last home, I had a pest control service spray the property for ants on a quarterly schedule. After five years, the spraying no longer worked, and I had to constantly place calls for service visits to try to keep the ants out. Now I know that spraying pesticides is the worst thing you can do for this type of ant and actually makes the problem worse over time. Your bait dispensers are truly the environmentally correct and effective way to control this pest.

Thank you for your time with me on the phone educating me about the control and eradication of these pests.


Sharon S.

San Diego, California


Hi Ken,

I just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with the system. Nothing else had worked & we were told by the exterminators we called that we needed to sign up for a (costly) annual contract and have people come to the house at least quarterly to get rid of our Argentine ants. I was anxious to try your program & avoid all that. Well, it worked great! We lived in our house 5 years and this is the first summer that I've not been constantly fighting ants. Thank you!

R Porter

Suffolk VA


Subj: Ants still going at it


I am already on my second order of the gourmet ant bait. I have a 1.5 inch wide stream of ants going to one dispenser by my trash can at all times. Ants in the house have been few. Our pantry has not been attacked for some time now, since we installed your dispensers. Several people at work also have had the same experience with Argentine ants. I have sent them an email with your web site, thanks again for the help.

Bill T.


To: ken@kmantpro
Subj: Your friend in Marietta, GA

Hi Ken. Haven't talked to you in a while. Hope you remember me - I'm the lady in Marietta that you helped get rid of the Argentine ants I had in my house. Since I placed the "feeding stations" around my house, I haven't seen a single ant on the inside and the ant population on the outside has been very seriously reduced! Since you now have my complete trust, I'm coming to you with a different problem. We have a rental house that has had a continuous problem with roof rats for about a year now. While I now know that these rodents have infested the entire neighborhood (and my house is actually not nearly as affected as some others), I want them gone. Aside from the traps that the pest control guy I use keeps placing, what can I do to eliminate them entirely? Any suggestions you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for all your help.

Susan W.

Marietta, GA


To: ken@kmantpro
Subj: Ants (of course)

Hi Ken,

I don't know if you remember me, but we had a long conversation last year about my Argentine ant problem. It had gotten so out of control that they were dropping down on me while I was trying to read a book on my sofa!!!! After that I was determined to find a non-toxic solution to get rid of the ant population for once and for all.

Fortunately, here comes Ant Pro to the rescue. Once I discovered which bait my ants preferred, Advance Liquid Ant Bait, I have not had a single uninvited visitor from Argentina. Your invention has single handedly solved a five year old problem and for that I am extremely grateful.

Yesterday I refilled my bait stations, am ordering more bait today and am continuing my personal war against these annoying, prolific, and destructive pests.

Thank you very much.

Mary H.

Lafayette, California


Good Morning Ken,

Thanx Much for all your help. I'm certainly going to recommend the Ant-Pro to Neighbors, Friends, and Family here in our Ant infested little corner of the world. After researching the problem,(the internet with an ADSL connection=knowledge is power) I realized that the theory of baiting the carpenters with poison and then having them go back and feed it to the Queen is an awesome theory. When I saw it work in the field I was amazed, entire colonies were destroyed using your product with the Uncle Albert's bait. I think what really sets you apart from other feeders is the Ant-Pro' s system of delivery. I couldn't find anything that even comes close. The bait sits in that little pool nicely protected by the cover yet easily accessible, its like a Cabana Bar for Ants on a hot Friday night, my landscape being the resort! Anyways Ken, I wish you continued success with the Ant-Pro and hopefully I'll see your product in stores like Home Depot and Lowes one day!

Thanx again and Good Luck

Michael C.



I just wanted to let you know that I am a believer of your AntPro system. Before I found your Website I was ready to move. Now, just after a few short months our carpenter ant problem is almost nonexistent. When the AntPro system first arrived my family laughed at me. Well let me tell you they aren't laughing anymore. The design is great. Rain and wind never disturbed the dispenser or bait. It was amazing to watch how the ants would go in and out of the AntPro. When I would have to refill the dispenser it was like the ants where waiting for a fresh supply. I would barely get the unit opened and the ants where trying to go in. I can't thank you enough for the AntPro and your help.

Thanks and take care,

P. Mirs .

McHenry, IL


Subject: Loving your product!

To: ken@kmantpro

Ken -

Last year, we spoke (via email and phone) about the prevalent Carpenter Ant problem in our new Southern New Jersey neighborhood (which we learned of after our home purchase, naturally!). The home did have a pest control program in place for Carpenter Ants, but within a week or two after spraying, the ants would inevitably be back.

After a great deal of online research, speaking to various pest control companies in our area, and speaking to you via phone and internet, we decided to make the investment in your Ant Pro system.

We ordered them early summer of 2003 and within 4 weeks we noticed an amazing difference in our Carpenter Ant situation. Typically, we would see the ants on the concrete patio in the yard, as well as a large number of the ants on our deck. After installing your units with the honeydew bait, the Carpenter Ants were NOWHERE to be seen on our property. In fact, our neighbors even commented that our system was working well for them, too!

We are about to order our new bait liquid for this season.

Kudos for a great product!

Easy to use. Affordable. Safe for a family with pets and small children. And it WORKS!

Maria A

New Jersey



I just wanted to let you know that I am a believer of your AntPro system. Before I found your Website I was ready to move. Now, just after a few short months our carpenter ant problem is almost nonexistent. When the AntPro system first arrived my family laughed at me. Well let me tell you they aren't laughing anymore. The design is great. Rain and wind never disturbed the dispenser or bait. It was amazing to watch how the ants would go in and out of the AntPro. When I would have to refill the dispenser it was like the ants where waiting for a fresh supply. I would barely get the unit opened and the ants where trying to go in. I can't thank you enough for the AntPro and your help.

Thanks and take care,

P. Mirs .

McHenry, IL



I just wanted to let you know that I am a believer of your AntPro system. Before I found your Website I was ready to move. Now, just after a few short months our carpenter ant problem is almost nonexistent. When the AntPro system first arrived my family laughed at me. Well let me tell you they aren't laughing anymore. The design is great. Rain and wind never disturbed the dispenser or bait. It was amazing to watch how the ants would go in and out of the AntPro. When I would have to refill the dispenser it was like the ants where waiting for a fresh supply. I would barely get the unit opened and the ants where trying to go in. I can't thank you enough for the AntPro and your help.

Thanks and take care,

P. Mirs .

McHenry, IL



I just wanted to let you know that I am a believer of your AntPro system. Before I found your Website I was ready to move. Now, just after a few short months our carpenter ant problem is almost nonexistent. When the AntPro system first arrived my family laughed at me. Well let me tell you they aren't laughing anymore. The design is great. Rain and wind never disturbed the dispenser or bait. It was amazing to watch how the ants would go in and out of the AntPro. When I would have to refill the dispenser it was like the ants where waiting for a fresh supply. I would barely get the unit opened and the ants where trying to go in. I can't thank you enough for the AntPro and your help.

Thanks and take care,

P. Mirs .

McHenry, IL



I just wanted to let you know that I am a believer of your AntPro system. Before I found your Website I was ready to move. Now, just after a few short months our carpenter ant problem is almost nonexistent. When the AntPro system first arrived my family laughed at me. Well let me tell you they aren't laughing anymore. The design is great. Rain and wind never disturbed the dispenser or bait. It was amazing to watch how the ants would go in and out of the AntPro. When I would have to refill the dispenser it was like the ants where waiting for a fresh supply. I would barely get the unit opened and the ants where trying to go in. I can't thank you enough for the AntPro and your help.

Thanks and take care,

P. Mirs .

McHenry, IL


Subject: Control of White Footed Ants
To Whom It May Concern:

Recently, I have been using a liquid ant bait delivery system that has produced very effective results in controlling white footed ants that have invaded my property and home.

Until a few months ago, these ants have been a constant presence, crawling on the outside walls, showing up on counter tops and sinks in the kitchen and bathrooms, dropping from recessed lighting and exhaust fan fixtures, and invading wall switches and sockets. My wife felt completely harassed by them and I wondered if anything was ever going to control them. I have tried several liquid baits, which, though the ants readily took, were never successful because of the small quantities of bait that could be dispensed. Until Ken Kupfer of K&M Ant Pro installed his liquid bait delivery system, success against these ants seem out of reach. With its weather-sheltered, continuous feed design, the Ant Pro Dispensers can be loaded with 15 ounces of bait. They do not have to be continuously service and can be left unattended for approximately eight weeks. Since these have been in place, the presence of white footed ants on my house has stopped. Their trailing lines under the walls and along the soffit-wall juncture are gone. The bait stations are providing a barrier to new infestations.

My wife and I have our home back and are grateful to Ken and his Ant Pro System.


Fred J. Santana, Ph.D.

Sarasota, Florida

Read Original Letter


From: Steve Rossi

Re: The benefits of the Ant Pro System

I received a call from my tenants over a massive invasion of ants. I had retained a pest control operator and they had informed me that we had white footed ants and it was not covered by my service agreement. To treat this type of ant it would take a total treatment, the attic, walls inside, outside, and perimeter. They would only guarantee the price and that my home would be completely covered with toxic insecticides, thus risking my children's and tenants children's health. I found KM on the Internet researching white footed ants. Ken made a personal visit to my home. He educated my tenants and found the best locations for the stations. In less than two weeks, we have not had ants return to the house. We have not had any new infestations in over 6 months now.

This system is effective in many ways:
  1. cost effective
  2. limits liability
  3. easy application
  4. fits into long range plan
  5. it works

I have since installed KM Ant Pro on all of my Florida properties. I encourage you to do the same.

Steve Rossi

Naples, Florida


Dear Ken,

I wanted to write to you to let you know how happy I have been with your Km Ant Pro system. I contacted you about 10 months ago with an ant problem that was driving me crazy. A pest control person had recently told me that I had white-footed ants. We had been informed that it was going to be a long and costly problem to eradicate them from our home. At the time they had been infiltrating our house for about 5-6 months and I was finding most of them were coming in through a wall socket in the living room. Nothing I did would stop these ants from coming in and although I sprayed insecticide on the inside of the house as well as the outside all this did was kill the ones that walked through it. I was sweeping up hundreds of dead ants every day and still live ones made it to the rest of the home, both upstairs and down.

I researched white-footed ants on the internet and came across your website. I was intrigued with your system and it sounded so logical of a way to keep the ants out of the house so I called you to get more information. After discussing my ant infestation problem, I decided to try your dispensers and product. To my amazement within days the ants were gone from my home! We have not seen another ant in our home since. I can't tell you how pleased I have been with the Km Ant Pro system. Besides taking care of our ant problem, it also is environment friendly and keeps other bugs in check in our yard too.

Thank you so much for such great customer service over the past months and your continued help in this matter.


Linda M.

Weston, Florida


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KM Ant Pro LLC
P.O. Box 967, Nokomis, FL 34275
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"I'd like to thank all the wonderful people who have written testimonials for kmAntPro. You've helped to spread the word about our system and make it a tremendous success. Thank You!!!"


Ken Kupfer,
KM AntPro, LLC